FOOD Shows











Underwriter Supplied Programming

Behind The Scenes
Underwriter: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Spotlight On: Youth Financial Education
Underwriter: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
What you’re looking at is the safest, most environmentally friendly, and most efficient way we have of moving things.
Underwriter: American Waterway Operators
What you’re looking at…is the safest, most environmentally friendly, most efficient and most cost effective way we have of … moving things. Tugboats, towboats and barges!
Spotlight On: America’s Tugboats, Towboats and Barges Industry
Underwriter: American Waterways Operators
Aired in 2019
(Total Running Time: 5:28)
There aren’t many things that benefit our lives more than . . . SEEDS! A lot more things begin as seeds, than you’d think!
Underwriter: American Seed Trade Association
There aren’t many things that benefit our lives more than . . . SEEDS! A lot more things begin as seeds, than you’d think!
Spotlight On: Seed Innovation
Underwriter: American Seed Trade Association
Aired in 2023
(Total Running Time: 5:03)
You’d think fuel coming from corn - would be more environmentally friendly than the old fashioned way . . . burning oil, with all its pollutants!
Underwriter: Rethink Ethanol
You’d think fuel coming from corn - would be more environmentally friendly than the old fashioned way . . . burning oil, with all its pollutants! It’s just more natural! That’s what we thought we knew . . . But we’re wrong! In fact . . . Studies show that the production and consumption of ethanol DOUBLES total energy consumption when compared to pure gasoline.
Spotlight On: Rethink Biofuels
Underwriter: Rethink Ethanol
Aired in 2023
(Total Running Time: 2:21)
Underwriter: USDA / APHIS
See 3rd paragraph on The Hill government website: https://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/lobbying-contracts/218132-under-contract/
Spotlight On: Biosecurity for Birds
Underwriter: USDA / APHIS
Underwriter: Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AERBVI)
Spotlight On: Visual Impairment Professions
Underwriter: Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AERBVI)
View the Audio Description Version of the show.
Underwriter: GlaxoSmithKline
Spotlight On: Meningitis B
Underwriter: GlaxoSmithKline
Most of us don’t even begin to appreciate the Earth’s surface, or what’s under it.
Underwriter: Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Most of us don’t even begin to appreciate the Earth’s surface . . . or what’s under it! We just think it’s something you walk on to get where you’re going . . . and a place for the earthworms! That’s what the ground is! But actually there’s a lot more going on beneath the ground . . . than you might think.
Spotlight On: Geoscientists without Borders
Underwriter: Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Aired in 2021
(Total Running Time: 5:14)
The electric transmission grid powers the future. Underwriter: Wires Group
See our work on their website:
The electric transmission grid powers the future.
Spotlight On: Wires
Underwriter: Wires Group
Underwriter: Education Alliance
Spotlight On: Grizzly Bears
Underwriter: Education Alliance
Underwriter: Coral Restoration Foundation
Spotlight On: Saving an Ecosystem
Underwriter: Coral Restoration Foundation
Underwriter: Alliance of Therapy Dogs
Spotlight On: Therapy Dogs
Underwriter: Alliance of Therapy Dogs
Hearing is so much more than just sound . . . it’s feeling the very emotions of our lives . . . by hearing them!
Underwriter: American Hearing Research Foundation
There’re not many things in life we take for granted more than . . . hearing! Hearing is so much more than just sound . . . it’s feeling the very emotions of our lives . . . by hearing them! This show discusses many of the reasons we can loose our hearing at an early age.
Spotlight On: Sudden Hearing Loss
Underwriter: American Hearing Research Foundation
Aired in 2023
(Total Running Time: 5:19)
Underwriter: American Hearing Research Foundation
Spotlight On: Meniere's Disease
Underwriter: American Hearing Research Foundation
Underwriter: DUDA Farm Fresh Foods
Spotlight On: Farm Fresh Celery
Underwriter: DUDA Farm Fresh Foods
Underwriter: U.S. Plastics Pact
Spotlight On: Designing Out Plastic Pollution
Underwriter: U.S. Plastics Pact
Underwriter: Conservation International
Spotlight On: Forest Carbon Programs & Communities
Underwriter: Conservation International
Airing in 2024
Underwriter: Tomato Products Wellness Council
Spotlight On: An Endless Summer
Underwriter: Tomato Products Wellness Council
Underwriter: AMTRAK
Spotlight On: Connecting America Coast to Coast
Underwriter: AMTRAK
Underwriter: The Everglades Foundation
Spotlight On: Florida's Water and the Everglades
Underwriter: The Everglades Foundation
How technology can monitor us!
Underwriter: Education Alliance
How technology can monitor us!
Spotlight On: Legal Technology
Underwriter: Education Alliance
Underwriter: Consumer Technology Assoc
Spotlight On: Smart Home Security
Underwriter: Consumer Technology Assoc
Underwriter: American Society for Clinical Pathology
Spotlight On: Scientists Who Save the World
Underwriter: American Society for Clinical Pathology
Around the world, 9 out of 10 people breathe unhealthy air. Air pollution is invisible, but it damages our health and can be deadly.
Underwriter: Environmental Defense Fund
Around the world, 9 out of 10 people breathe unhealthy air. (Source: World Health Organization). Air pollution is invisible, but it damages our health and can be deadly. Our trucks and cars contribute more to this than you would think. America needs clean, zero-emission trucks & buses.
Spotlight On: Making Invisible Air Pollution Visible
Underwriter: Environmental Defense Fund
Aired in 2021
(Total Running Time: 2:21)
Today’s scented candle is a far cry from what started 3,000 years ago in China - where they made them from whale blubber and bees wax!
Underwriter: Yankee Candle
Candles today - are used for making much more . . . than just light! They now create an entire atmosphere - by inviting the sense of ‘scent’ to join the candle! Today’s scented candle is a far cry from what started 3,000 years ago in China - where they made them from whale blubber and bees wax!
Spotlight On: The Scented Candle
Underwriter: Yankee Candle
Aired in 2014
(Total Running Time: 4:00)
Underwriter: Guide Dogs of America
Spotlight On: Transforming Lives Through Dogs
Underwriter: Guide Dogs of America
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